Kevin D.A. Kurytnik
Kevin has been creating eccentric worlds in his head since he was a youngster trying to alleviate boredom in a combine on the family farm in Norquay, Saskatchewan. The inhabitants of these worlds spilled out onto paper, and for the last 20 years onto motion picture film and video as animation. His film, Abandon Bob Hope All Ye Who Enter Here, opened the competition screenings for the 2000 Ottawa International Animation Festival. He is also Assistant Professor of Animation at the Alberta College of Art + Design. Kevin is very dedicated to both facets of his animation career, as a conscientious teacher and mentor, and as a professional independent animator. Both of these facets feed each other, with his professional practice providing experiences and resources to share with students, and teaching exposing him to fresh ideas and approaches from students.
Carol Beecher
Not sure if she was going to be a theatre technician or an animator, Carol figured either way she'd have to be an artist, so she went to the Alberta College of Art + Design, graduating in 1987. Her first film, Ask-Me, an experimental cameraless film (etched on 16mm film stock), was nominated for Best Experimental Film at the Yorkton Short Film and Video Festival in 1996 and received a Director's Citation at the 1997 Black Maria Film-Video Festival in New Jersey. She honed her administration and communication skills as Operations Coordinator of the Quickdraw Animation Society, and assisted in it’s development from an animation fan club into an internationally recognized production, resource, and education centre for all forms of animation.
Independent Filmography
2017 Skin for Skin - 15:00 minutes, National Film Board of Canada
2017 Punk Rogers in the Far Flung Future - TV series, in development
2012 Animated Self Portraits - 8:40 minutes, group project contributor, for Madi Piller
2010 Business as Usual - 4:00 minutes
2009 Intergalactic Who's Who, episodes 6 - 8, 3x1:30 minutes
2008 Intergalactic Who's Who, episodes 1 - 5, 5x1:30 minutes
2004 Mr. Reaper's Really Bad Morning, 17:00 minutes
Bone Danse , 2:30 minutes
2000 the wind between my ears, 2:30 minutes
Client Filmography
2012 A.R.D.N. promo video - 2:00 minutes, for Alberta Rural Development Network
2011 ACAD promo video - 3:00 minutes, for Alberta College of Art + Design
2004 A Night Before Christmas - 3:00 minutes, for West Edmonton Mall
2002 Tae Kwon Do Girl, for Desnoyer-Schuler Marketing
1997 Brutus, 3 X30 second shorts for Calgary Saddledome Jumbotron
1995 TREES!, 3:30 min, for TransAlta Utilities Arbor Day Program
Station I.D. for NUTV
1994 Dunvegan: Where the Trails Cross , 12 minutes, for Fort Dunvegan
The Child, The Wife, 2X30 second p.s.a.'s for Alberta Social Services
1992 The Saga of Ward & His Wondrous Multiped, 3 minutes, for Reynolds Technological Museum
Carol Beecher
2018 A Family War Diary - animated short in development
2002 Scratch My Shorts, 8:30 minutes, Producer
1998 67 Aluminum Plates , 1:28 minutes, collaboration at Ottawa 98
1994 Ask-Me, 2:00 minutes
Kevin Kurynik
2018 Visual Storytelling - vlog series in development
1996 Abandon Bob Hope All Ye Who Enter Here - 7:00 min, Betacam SP, cut outs
1994 Dali Ants - 2:00 min, Betacam SP, stop motion, with Don Best and Gary Tallin
Warren Leonhardt’s Kevin Kurytnik and Carol Beecher audio interview
Warren Leonhardt is a storyboard artist who lives in Ontario. He worked with Blue Sky Studios from 2011 to 2017 and was promoted to Head of Story for the feature film Ferdinand. He also taught visual narrative and storyboard courses at the School of Visual Arts in NYC.
Kevin Animation Insider interview 2013
Animation Insider was founded by Mike Milo, story artist at Nickelodeon Animation Studios.
Carol Smudge Animation interview
Charles Wilson is an animator, writer, and prolific blogger who lives in Michigan.